EOD Posting File Lockbox F

Lockbox Version F of the EOD Posting File is known to work with several existing Patient Accounts Receivable systems. Contact your Implementations Manager for further information.

File Name Standard: <Account/Group/Outlet> + “_” + <Configurable Field> + “_” + <BusinessDate> + “.txt”

  • Date is the processing date of the detail transactions
  • File can be generated by Account, End of Day File Group or Outlet
  • The Configurable Field in the file name is optional and is blank by default

File Format: Fixed Position, Fixed Width, no Header record

Note: String values that are longer than the maximum column size are truncated. For example, the value “SMITH” in a four-character column is truncated to “SMIT.” This behavior applies to monetary amounts as well.

Detail Record
Record Type (F1)1-2ANConstant Value = "P1".
Medical Record Number3-22ANLeft Justified/Space FilledRequired Source: MRN field on payment form.
Transaction Date23-30DTLeft Justified/Space FilledDate transaction is processed: YYYYMMDD.
Payment Amount31-40NUMRight Justified/Space Filled No Decimal Point
Guar Medical Record Number41-60ANLeft Justified/Space FilledAdditional Info 6.
Check Number61-75ANRight Justified/Space FilledPayment Method: "CREDITCARD," "ECHECK," "MANUAL" or "CASH" Check number is appended when applicable Ensure field has "MANUAL" and check number for Manual checks."
BAR Group Number76-80ANRight Justified/Zero FilledOptional if only 1 group is in scope. Source: Transaction Code field on payment form.
Additional Information81-100ANLeft Justified/Space FilledOptional Source: Additional Info 2 field on payment form.
Patient First Name101-120ANLeft Justified/Space FilledOptional.
Patient Last Name121-140ANLeft Justified/Space FilledOptional.
Invoice Number141-160ANLeft Justified/Space FilledOptional Source: Additional Info 1 or Invoice Number field on payment form.
Transaction ID161-192ANLeft Justified/Space FilledTransaction ID.
MST193-223ANLeft Justified/Space FilledOutlet ID.
Billing Area224-233ANLeft Justified/Zero FilledAdditional Info 3.
Location234-243ANLeft Justified/Zero FiledAdditional Info 4.
Provider244-253ANLeft Justified/Zero FilledAdditional Info 5.
Trailer Record
Record Type (T1)1-2AN"T1" ConstantOne per file.
Number of payments3-12NUMRight Justified/Zero FilledCount of P1 records.
Total Payments13-22NUMRight Justified/Zero FilledSum of payment amounts of all P1 records. Decimal point is assumed.
Total Records23-32NUMRight Justified/Zero FilledCount of all P1 and T1 records.